Science meets Industry

We want to invite our industrial partners to present their developments, best practices and experiences at the ICPS

Submit here for industry session

Bridging the gap between technology and science

At the ICPS 2019, we want to introduce our new presentation panel "Science meets Industry". We would like to offer our future and current industrial partners the possibility to present their practical experience and their development achievements to the scientific renewable energy community. An exchange between researchers and early adopters is very important to us, because this offers the opportunity to formulate the relevant questions, define the real challenges and to work together on solutions.

We would be pleased to welcome you as presenter at the ICPS 2019!

How to submit for the industry session...

If you want to present your company at the ICPS 2019 - please follow these short instructions:

  • Please push the button below or in the page headline to be forwarded to the official submission form
  • Create an account and fill in your data, the titel of your presentation and a short description of the pesentation content
  • Please follow the instructions of the submission form and submit your description of the presentation.
  • We´ll contact you as soon as possible to inform you about the acceptance of your presentation for the preliminary program and you´ll be asked to confirm your attendance by registering online. All presenters have to register as participants, to ensure inclusion of their contribution into the program.
Submit here for industry session

If you need any advice please do not hesitate to contact us!